By entering the Just Awesome Karaoke stores and/or purchasing music tracks from this site, you acknowledge, understand, and agree that Just Awesome Karaoke is the sole
copyright owner of the tracks sold within, and that any use outside of public performance (including using tracks in any way to make CDs/digital music/youtube videos/etc for
sale or by trading or distributing any of these tracks to other people or places) is a breach of that copyright/ownership, and is
legally punishable by as much as $150,000(USD) per track.
If you wish to use these tracks to make CDs/digital music/youtube videos/etc, you must obtain/pay separately for a license from
Just Awesome Karaoke. Purchasing tracks does NOT give you this license, it must be purchased separetely.
Getting a license is NOT expensive, however - it's a fraction of the cost of recording, and we can even do mixing/mastering/production/artwork for you, and you can even record
with us for less than it costs at most studios (and our equipment is MUCH better). For more info on that, click here.